Partner Organizations

The Postal Employees Relief Fund is a cooperative effort
operated by the various management and union organizations
of the U.S. Postal Service:
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    Charitable Organization Belonging to All Postal Employees and Retirees
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United States Postal Service

Louis DeJoy
Postmaster General / CEO
ECM: Douglas A. Tulino

Mark Dimondstein

American Postal Workers Union

Mark Dimondstein
ECM: Annette August-Taylor

National Association of Letter Carriers

Brian L. Renfroe
ECM: Douglas E. Lape


Paul Hogrogian

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Paul Hogrogian
ECM: Neil Ryan

National Rural Letter Carriers' Association

Donald L. Maston
ECM: Patrick A. Pitts

National Association of Postal Supervisors

Ivan Butts
ECM: Charles (Chuck) Mulidore

Dan Heins

United Postmasters and Managers of America

Edmund A. Carley 
ECM: Daniel M. Heins